Thousands of years ago, Astrology has taken its roots in Western Countries. Egyptians know Astrology 4000 years before Christ. They prepared ephemeris. At the same time, Chinese too studied Astrology. King Hoyangutee built a Planetarium in 2608 BC. Babylonians practiced Astrology a few centuries before Christ. Pythagoras (530 BC) propounded that the Earth is rotating on its own axis. Aristarchus (around 275 BC) claims that Earth revolves around the Sun. Aristilan and Timoris (320 - 260 BC) prepared an index of positions of several stars. Ptolemy (120 - 180 AD) has written Sinatyxis, based on the writings of Hiporcus (150 BC). This book on Astrology and Astronomy has been given highest regard for centuries together. Arabs praised this book as ‘Alamygest’ means the great book. This book contains information on shape of Earth, orbit of Earth, planetary orbits along with a description of eclipses and milky way are seen. In 1209 AD Cambridge University was founded and Astrology was taught there from 1250. Copernicus (1473 – 1543 AD )developed helio-centric theory. He said that Earth is revolving around the Sun. Nostradamus (1503 – 1566 AD) gave his prophecies. Tychobrahe (1546 – 1601 AD) and Kepler (1571 – 1630 AD) also contributed significantly to Astrology. Galileo built Telescope in 1609 and observed physically all the planets and constellations. Newton (1642 – 1727 AD) worked on Astronomy and Astrology and compiled a list of 2884 stars.
While the above are major aspects, we can have minor aspects which give minor impact.
Progressed Horoscope is another great invention of Western astrologers. After a lot of research Astrologers found that when a person is born on a particular date, that day’s planetary positions will affect the first year of that person. The second year is influenced by second day’s planetary positions. Thus we can calculate progressed chart for any year of a person and predict his destiny in that year. |
Western Astrology has its roots in the Roman civilization. The Romans derived it from the Greeks who in turn derived it from the Egyptians.
Vedic Astrology is thus the earliest form of Astrology and is a system that has changed very little over the course of time. Its precision and accuracy as a divination science is unrivalled even today. Many scholars now believe that Astrology traveled to Egypt through the middle east (Babylonian culture). Babylonians had a strong connection with the Vedic civilization flourishing in the northwestern region of the Indian subcontinent and so it can be said that their Astrology was very similar if not completely identical to Jyotish.
The modern day Western Astrology was deeply influenced by the Theosophical Movement. Theosophists as we know were channeling their information from the East - mainly India and Tibet. Somehow over the last century many faults crept into this evolving system such as the use of the astronomically inaccurate Tropical Zodiac.
Tropical Zodiac used in Western Astrology was relevant 2000 years ago but is no longer valid. There is no point in analyzing a chart which does not correspond to the actual heavenly positions of the planets and signs. It is similar to playing music on an out of tune instrument!
Western Astrology: Zodiac Signs
In western astrology the following 12 Zodiac signs are there:
Aries - 21 MAR -19APR
Taurus - 20 APR- 20 MAY
Gemini - 21 MAY – 21 JUN
Cancer -22 JUN-22 JUL
Leo - 23 JUL – 22 AUG
Virgo - 23 AUG – 22 SEP
Libra - 23 SEP – 22 OCT
Scorpio - 23 OCT – 21 NOV
Sagittarius - 22 NOV – 21 DEC
Capricorn - 22 DEC – 19 JAN
Aquarius - 20 JAN – 18 FEB
Pisces - 19 FEB - 20 MAR
If your birth date for example is 14th Feb. then you have to read the prediction for Aquarius. But if in-case you are born during the transition period of two signs, then you are a cusp ie. you belong to both signs and you should read predictions of both the signs. For eg., if you are born on 21st of November, then you are both a Scorpio as well as a Sagittarius.